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🔺 Operating System Course Site - Fasilkom UI


➡ Begineer’s introduction of Operating System

This website gave a brief definition of the operating system, its functions, its significant functionalities, and its types.This website is helpful for me because I can understand the basic knowledge about Operating systems beforehand.

➡️ Introduction to Linux Operating System or Operating System - Linux

Linux is an operating system or a kernel that distributed under an open-source license. The kernel is a program of Linux that takes care of fundamental stuff such as letting hardware communicate with software. I believe these two links would be helpful for me to understand Linux better.


➡️ Linux from scratch

This website provides lots of knowledge about Linux, especially for those who want to learn more wholly.

➡️ AWK commands tutorial

On linux, awk is a command-line text manipulation dynamo, as well as a powerful scripting language. This website provides tutorial on how to understand AWK commands better and its cool features.

➡️ Introduction to Cyber Security for begineers

Cyber Security refers to the method of protecting programs, networks, computer systems, and their components from unauthorized digital access and attacks. I find this video helpful because it gives a simple explanation of cyber security along with its components, examples, and how it works. Thus, I was able to understand better about cyber security thanks to this video.


➡️ C Language Tutorial or Learn the basics of C language

These two websites provide the tutorial on how to understand C language from basics to intermediate. I find it very convenient since I do not know anything about the C language. Thus I think I’ll be reading them over these resources to comprehend the rest of the OS class.

➡️ File system interface on OS (introduction)

This website provides a simple introduction to what a file system interface is. Then, it also gives information about the file attributes, fundamental components of a file, and operation. This website is helpful because I can learn the basics of a file system interface without going into the advanced resources.

➡️ C Language Cheat sheet

I attached this website because since we’re still learning the C programming language, this cheatsheet link might be helpful for those who aren’t familiar with the C Language because it provides several templates and examples to help us understand better.


➡️ File system interface

This website guided me in understanding the basics of what is a file system interface. It provided lots of information about the concepts.

➡️ C dynamic memory allocation

This website you’ll learn to dynamically allocate memory in your C program using standard library functions: malloc(), calloc(), free() and realloc().


➡️ Introduction to Virtual Memory

Virtual memory is a feature of an operating system that enables a computer to be able to compensate shortages of physical memory by transferring pages of data from random access memory to disk storage. This website gives a great explanation about virtual memroy and how it applies in Operating System.

➡ Why is virtual memory necessary

This website will examine the problems that form the main motivation for the creation of virtual memory. Then, explain the purpose of using this feature in an OS.


➡️ Undesrtanding fork()

This webiste act as a linux programmer’s manual to fork() operating system.


➡️ Linux scheduler documentation

This website provides helpful information regarding on scheduling in linux

➡️ The two states model in Operating System

The two state process model in Operating System are process is running and not running on CPU. This website provides an easy introduction to two state process model.


➡️ BIOS, basic input and output system

BIOS (basic input/output system) is the program a computer’s microprocessor uses to start the computer system after it is powered on. This website provides a good basic information if we want to start understanding BIOS.

➡️ Understanding systemd at startup on Linux

This website gives a great explanation about systemd on Linux.